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Maruka Gastro, a new concept that puts the Cook & Chill system to the test

November 24, 2020 Español   Português   Deutsch   Français  

As we explained in the article on the Cook & Chill system, an increasing number of restaurants are now using this system as a workflow in their establishments. Among them we would like to highlight the new restaurant concept that our corporate chef, Enrique Fleischmann, has just launched: Maruka Gastro. But what is so special about this new offer from Fleischmann's Cooking Group?

What is Maruka Gastro? : "Maruka Gastro is a project that aims to test an integrated vacuum system"

"Maruka Gastro is a project that aims to put to the test an integrated vacuum system that goes from preparation, to packing, to cooling, to preservation, to regeneration, and finally right to the plate" explains Enrique Fleischmann, the chef who owns Maruka Gastro. That is, it's a concept that works the Cook & Chill system with Sammic's sous-vide solution.

Enrique Fleischmann has been working with Sammic for many years, particularly developing this system. And he was "so confident" in what they had created that he decided to set it in motion "to be able to measure in a real way what this system could bring us". According to him, the system developed is useful, cost-effective and solves a number of problems that he had experienced as an end user: "This system can be very functional!"


How Maruka Gastro works: "Maruka Gastro works very well because it is very easy to generate volume quickly, but with quality"

At Maruka Gastro the first thing we do when we receive the raw ingredients is to transform them, i.e. to cook them. Depending on the ingredient and the recipe, this transformation is done either traditionally or in a vacuum. If it has been cooked in the traditional way, it is packed, then cooled and stored so that it can be regenerated at the time of service. At the moment of service, when the tickets are taken out, they are distributed over the two or three different batches that have the goods ready and prepared and the person in charge of the SmartVide Station area is responsible for introducing bags into the SmartVide water tank to regenerate them, always keeping the service times as short as possible in order to seek profitability. Fleischmann believes that "Maruka Gastro works very well because it is easy to generate volume quickly, but with quality."


Benefits of the Cook & Chill system: "One of the most important benefits offered by this system is the standardisation of processes, and therefore of quality"

Quality. Quality is a word repeatedly spoken by the chef: "One of the most important benefits offered by this system is the standardisation of processes, and therefore of quality. For me, the quality we offer the client has to be the best possible, and with this system that quality can be maintained or improved, but there is no way that it can be reduced." Furthermore, he points out that it is a gastronomic offer that can travel from place to place without affecting that quality: "It is not a system that depends on only one person, but it is a user-friendly, agile, simple and profitable system that anyone can put into practice".

Enrique also stresses that thanks to this system the utilisation of the product is 100%: "In situations such as the current immediate closure, this system has saved us. The vast majority of the raw ingredients can be frozen without problem and, as they are pasteurised, they can be kept in storage for 20-40 days, depending on the temperature at which they are pasteurised."

On the other hand, for Enrique Fleischmann, another of the fundamental reasons for using this system is traceability: "For someone like me, who likes to keep things a little regimented and very controlled, this system allows me to do it very easily".


Sammic's sous-vide solution: "This way of working can guarantee you reliability; it's a safe bet."

In conclusion, according to Fleischmann this solution offered by Sammic is "really" a comprehensive solution that puts an end to the problems faced by all those professionals who wanted to do things safely, professionally and cost-effectively. "This way of working can guarantee you reliability; it's a safe bet."

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