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Welcome Marco & Cameron!

July 7, 2011 Español  

The winners of the second Sammic Scholarship are already settled in their apartment in Lasarte after their arrival to Bilbao on July 5th.

Once they are done with the initial arrangements, Cameron and Marco will be ready to start their training at Martin Berasategui´s 3 Michelin Star Restaurant in Lasarte, town close to San Sebastián, on July 12th.

Not before long we plan to welcome them personally at our headquarters in Azkoitia, where Sammic manufactures the ware washing and food preparation equipment they will be using at the Restaurant, Sammic’s official testing ground.

We would like to use these lines to welcome them in the name of Sammic. We are sure that this experience will greatly benefit their professional prospects and we are happy and proud to contribute to it.

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