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Vertical Cutters & Emulsifiers CK/CKE: New video

February 22, 2013 Español   Italiano   Português  

Thanks to the collaboration of our friend Susanne Santoswinner of Top Chefs Sammic Scholarship within BasqueStage project, we show you our new vertical cutter-emulsifyer  that allows to chop, mash, mix, knead and emulsify any product in seconds.


Equipped with an engine block and of 5 or 8 litre capacity bowl to meet different production needs, the range consists of two speed CK cutters and variable speed CKE cutters-emulsifyers. All models feature a watertight, electronic control panel that allows time programming and pulse operation.

The CKE cutter-emulsifiers are provided with a "Cut&Mix" scraper which ensures greater homogeneity of the final product and prevents heating of the product. Sammic "Cut&Mix" scraper is an optional accessory in the case of CK models.

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